With Specialized Education

A school designed to provide a high level of structure and support, as well as an integrated array of services to address each child’s unique profile.

Solterra Academy Leader In Specialized Education

Solterra Academy is a therapeutic day program providing comprehensive special education services to students, ages 5 to 21, who require intensive intervention due to emotional, behavioral, cognitive, developmental, and/or learning problems. Disabilities served include: Autism Spectrum Disorders, Developmental Disabilities, Emotional Disturbance, Intellectual Disabilities, Multiple Disabilities, Specific Learning Disabilities, Traumatic Brain Injury and Other Health Impairments.

Solterra Academy is a State Department of Education approved special education facility.

Why Solterra

Positive Behavior Support​

Solterra Academy’s approach to behavior support is based upon the provision of a safe, stable, consistent and appropriately structured learning environment which provides emotional support and predictable organization for students.

Behavior plans are developed for each student based upon a Functional Behavior Assessment (FBA).

Plans are individualized to meet each student’s social, emotional and developmental needs while supporting their classroom functioning. 

The School’s Behavioral Support System includes:

With teaching, modeling and reinforcement of respectful, responsible, kind and safe behaviors.

Which includes a motivating and developmentally appropriate reinforcement system linked directly to the PBIS School Values.

Which are organized and implemented weekly throughout the school, to support social skill development and skill generalization.

That emphasize emotional regulation and stress-reducing coping skills.

Which provide structure for regular events, (e.g. morning arrival, transitions, cafeteria use, dismissal, lesson wrap-up).

Which is structuring, therapeutic and which utilizes problem-solving and reparation strategies while teaching empathy and pro-social behaviors.

Our Programming & Services

Our Programs

All Solterra Academy classes foster the overall development of the student in a structured, supportive learning environment. Each student’s program is highly individualized according to the student’s profile of strengths and areas of need.

Elementary School Classes

The elementary classrooms provide high-quality instruction for students in kindergarten through fifth grade.

Applied Academics Classes

From elementary through high school, applied academics classes exist to provide greater emphasis on practical daily living skills and functional application to academics as aligned to Connecticut Common Core State Standards (CCSS).

Middle/High School Classes

The middle/high school classes provide remedial/high school real-world curricula that align with Connecticut Common Core State Standards through a self-contained classroom model.

Vocational Education

Solterra Academy's vocational education curriculum encompasses a comprehensive instructional process that relies on real work as the focal point for career assessment (both interest and aptitude) and job exploration.

Mental Health Services

Solterra Academy provides a complete range of mental health services. Upon admission, each student’s needs are assessed and an appropriate plan for service is developed. Family support and involvement is emphasized across all aspects of the student’s program.

Extended Year Programming

An extension of the regular school year, the summer session continues to deliver mandated academic and therapeutic services, according to the student’s Individual Education Program, for those youngsters who would otherwise regress academically and/or emotionally or behaviorally.

Physical & Occupational Therapy

For those students who are approved for Physical and Occupational Therapy services through their Planning and Placement Team (PPT), Solterra Academy provides licensed therapists who work with students on an individual basis, in a small group or classroom, and/or on a consultative basis.

Autism Programming

Programming for students with Autism Spectrum Disorders is specifically designed to meet the needs of each student at all levels of functioning.


Our Services

All Solterra Academy classes foster the overall development of the student in a structured, supportive learning environment. Each student’s program is highly individualized according to the student’s profile of strengths and areas of need.

Solterra Academy South

The new building next door to our main site is completely refurbished to include a large classroom, a student lounge, a workshop, a relaxation room, and a full fitness room. With these resources, SAS will foster a sense of community within our school by offering daily employment, leisure, and social activities.

Do you have a student or know a student ?

Do you have a student in your school or your care who could benefit from specialized education and programming? Reach out to us today to learn more about Solterra Academy and the programming we have to offer.